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Gain a Competitive Edge with Lift Truck AMRs

3 Ways to Gain a Competitive Edge with Autonomous Lift Trucks

April 19, 2023  |  Seegrid

There is an ongoing, crucial need for mobile automation with manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics facilities experiencing increased demand and volume of pallet movement amid major operational challenges and labor shortages. Consumer expectations and evolving demands continue to not only become more significant but also more complex. Now more than ever, facilities need a reliable end-to-end automation solution to achieve success in both the short and long term.

Our newest addition to the Seegrid Palion™ autonomous mobile robot (AMR) fleet is an autonomous lift truck, Seegrid Palion Lift, that was designed to help material handling and manufacturing facilities keep up with the growing challenges and gain a sustained competitive edge. What makes Palion Lift different? It’s equipped with the most advanced generation of Seegrid IQ, our proprietary autonomy technology, and is the only lift truck AMR in the market with industry-leading 3D perception. 

All Seegrid Palion AMRs—including Lift CR1 and Palion Tow Tractor—have Seegrid IQ technology, leveraging sensor fusion for an extremely accurate, human-like understanding of their immediate surroundings. The latest generation of Seegrid IQ used in Palion Lift includes additional safety sensing capabilities needed to not only navigate its environment but also interact with surrounding infrastructure, like pallets, tables, and conveyors in the vertical direction. 

Discover how Palion Lift AMRs can benefit your operation to combat some of the biggest supply chain hurdles and build on growth opportunities. 

Overcome Labor Shortages

Manufacturing plants and distribution centers are struggling to find and retain facility workers. In a recent West Monroe poll, nearly 95% said that labor management is the most critical factor in keeping up with increasing demand. The poll also indicated that hiring skilled talent is the top labor challenge facing organizations right now.

Order volumes are surging higher than ever and outpacing what the labor supply can support. Many facilities are working overtime to keep up which can become extremely costly. With manufacturing production and e-commerce orders predicted to continue increasing, it will only get more difficult to fulfill orders on time with a strained staff. 

The ongoing labor shortage necessitates the need for fully automated workflows. Facilities need to safely and efficiently deliver goods from point A to point B, which often involves vertical movement: placing payloads onto or picking them up from elevated surfaces. A few common workflows that require vertical lift capabilities include placing pallets on a wrapper, delivering parts to the line, and removing scrap material from the production floor for placement on a scale or in a receptacle. With 360-degree safety coverage, Palion Lift excels in complex environments, providing consistent and secure material movement. Palion Lift can haul and place up to 3,500 pounds of payload at heights of up to six feet, enabling facilities to keep up with demand and deliver goods without human intervention. This not only mitigates labor shortages, but also creates a safer work environment by removing dangerous human touchpoints. 

Build Interoperability in Your Facility

Material handling facilities are not only increasingly embracing automation, but they are also automating more workflows as they work towards Industry 4.0 and operational goals. Different facility applications may call for different types of AMRs and automation solutions depending on the task being performed. To achieve seamless material orchestration throughout your entire facility, it’s important to find a connected, end-to-end solution that can fit into your existing system without production downtime or reconstruction costs.

Palion AMRs are designed to provide the connectivity you need to achieve your goals. The robots can operate simultaneously in adjacent lanes without disruptions and optimize workflows by safely passing through travel aisles while other AMRs are busy operating in lanes. 

Palion Lift expands the possibilities of hands-free flexibility across many high-demand workflows by adding vertical lift capabilities to the fleet for continuous workflow. Palion Lift easily interfaces with existing material equipment, such as tables, aprons, conveyors, and multiple pallet types, and can get to work immediately without the need to reconfigure existing equipment and layouts. 

Additionally, all Seegrid AMRs can easily be monitored and controlled through Seegrid Fleet Central software solutions, including Supervisor and Fleet Geek. With a holistic view of all AMR activity and a centralized fleet management tool, facilities can achieve successful interoperability for safe, seamless, and efficient material movement across their entire operation.  

Achieve Enterprise-Wide Scalability

Your automation solution will help you achieve operational goals, improve 5S initiatives, and create safer work environments. As day-to-day goals are achieved, you can continue making tweaks to further drive success and continuous improvement.

As you get started with your automation project, it’s important to consider not only your current needs but future applications and opportunities as well. Ensure that your automation solution can quickly adapt to meet new needs, demands, and growth. 

All Seegrid Palion AMRs, including Palion Lift, are designed for flexibility to help you drive future success. The robots can immediately be dispatched, retrained, or redeployed while production is running to help you stay ahead of your competition. To add robots to your fleet, simply export the path from one robot and share it with another AMR. Your growing fleet can be trained in a matter of minutes, getting you closer to achieving your goals even faster. 

Palion Lift AMR Drives Success Today and Tomorrow

Removing hazardous human touch points from workflows will help you build a safer, stronger operation that will increase productivity and reduce costs. Supply chain pressures are at an all-time high with many material handling facilities requiring autonomous vertical lift capabilities. Seegrid Palion Lift was designed to facilitate true end-to-end automation continuity in facilities with a proven solution. By helping companies overcome the ongoing labor shortage, build interoperability, and achieve enterprise-wide scalability, Seegrid Palion Lift is supporting companies in achieving their daily goals and long-term initiatives of becoming safer, more cost effective, and resilient.

Brochure: Seegrid Palion Lift AMR

To learn more about the capabilities and features of Palion Lift, download the product brochure.

Download the Brochure

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