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Seegrid Blog

    Our logistics, manufacturing, and warehousing blog keeps you in the know on all advancements in materials handling. Learn how robotics is revolutionizing the supply chain management industry.

    Featured Post:

    In It for the Long Haul: Applications That Have Made Tugger AMRs the Industry Standard for Reliability and Efficiency

    Tow Tractors, or tuggers as they’re commonly known as, are ubiquitous in warehouses and manufacturing facilities today and are often tasked with moving heavy loads from one point to another for the traditional “milk run” logistics. The tugger’s simplicity and versatility have made them ...
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    Past Blogs:

    June 14, 2022

    Automated Forklifts: The Benefits of AMRs Go Well ...

    In the final segment of this two-part blog series on safety driving automation initiatives, we uncover the consequential costs associated with manual forklift operator labor and the benefits resulting from implementing driverless autonomous mobile ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    June 14, 2022

    Automated Forklifts: Creating Safe and Efficient ...

    In this blog, we discuss manually driven forklifts, otherwise known as powered industrial trucks, and the dangers they pose. Despite workplace safety regulations, manual forklift accidents are a common cause of workplace fatalities. We also ...
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    AGV Safety Future of Automation Benefits of Automation

    May 18, 2022

    3 Advantages of Creating an Empowered Team of ...

    Let’s face it—change is hard. As creatures of habit, we take comfort in the routine. Change can quickly jolt us from our comfort zone, manifesting uncertainty that can derail positive momentum. However, when embraced correctly, change can propel ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    March 31, 2022

    MODEX 2022: It Was Great to See You

    Manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics companies from around the world traveled to MODEX for a one-of-a-kind opportunity to connect face-to-face with automation vendors. MODEX is one of the largest industry events where attendees can experience ...
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    Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology Advanced Analytics

    March 30, 2022

    MODEX 2022: Level Up Your Material Movement

    It’s day #3 at MODEX 2022, one of the largest industry events that brings supply chain professionals together with providers for in-person opportunities to learn, discover, and experience today’s leading solutions for a future-proofed tomorrow. The ...
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    Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology Advanced Analytics

    March 29, 2022

    MODEX 2022: Next-Level Automation, Now.

    MODEX 2022 is bringing more, more, more! One of the largest industry events, MODEX brings supply chain professionals together with providers for in-person opportunities to learn, discover, and experience today’s leading solutions for a ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    March 24, 2022

    Intelligent Mobile Automation Solutions to Meet ...

    The ongoing pandemic significantly heightened awareness and excitement around autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automation solutions across several industries. This is primarily due to the key benefits industrial automation can offer and the ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Material Flow

    March 8, 2022

    5 Questions Answered: What Innovation Means at ...

    Seegrid was named to Fast Company’s prestigious list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2022, placing #4 globally in the robotics category. In this “5 Questions Answered” segment, Seegrid’s Chief Technology Officer, Todd Graves, discusses ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Material Flow

    February 3, 2022

    Automation and the Future of the Workforce in ...

    As consumers, we’ve grown to expect fast and easy access to the products and goods we need exactly when we need them. Expedited shipping, such as two-day and next-day delivery, has moved from being a perk to a requirement for many online shoppers. ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Material Flow

    January 13, 2022

    Automation and the Future of the Workforce in ...

    The labor shortage sweeping the United States is causing unease among manufacturing facility leaders. With smaller staffs and perpetual peaks in demand, management is left wondering how they’ll fulfill orders on time now and in the future. By 2028, ...
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    Future of Automation Manufacturing Benefits of Automation

    December 16, 2021

    4 Ways Automation Improves Productivity Amid a ...

    With holiday shopping in full swing, retailers, e-commerce, and logistics companies are buried under peak demand. The current labor shortage and holiday shopping rush are leaving retailers pessimistic about their ability to fulfill orders. An Inmar ...
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    Benefits of Automation Warehousing Consumer Goods Featured

    December 7, 2021

    5 Benefits of Building a Transparent Supply Chain

    The pandemic, a labor shortage, skyrocketing demand, component part shortages, cargo ship traffic jams: The world’s supply chain is complex. Consumer goods leaders are trying their best to sidestep these hurdles, continue to meet customer demands, ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Material Flow Consumer Durable Goods

    November 23, 2021

    Improve Your Facility’s Productivity With the 5S ...

    There is a framework that many companies use to help achieve success, called the 5S system. The method, which originated in Japan, is typically employed in manufacturing and material handling facilities. The goal of the five steps is to organize ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Material Flow

    November 19, 2021

    AMRs Solve These 7 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing

    Now, more than ever, manufacturers must find ways to operate more efficiently and meet consumers’ growing demands. Facilities are dealing with heightened demand levels while providing a seamless, accurate, and on-time experience for customers. ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0

    November 18, 2021

    4 Benefits of Automated Forklift Trucks

    Many material handling facility workflows are being automated, partly due to technology advances and also because of the very competitive nature of business. Parts-to-line, putaway, trash removal, replenishment, cross docking—automation is well ...
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    Benefits of Automation Material Flow Industry 4.0

    November 11, 2021

    AMRs: The Solution to Automotive Supply Chain ...

    2020 hurled the unexpected at daily life. Our homes quadrupled as offices, schools, virtual gathering places, and shopping malls. This shift in habits put a huge strain on the supply chain, with some industries experiencing record-high demand levels ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Material Flow

    November 9, 2021

    Flexible Automation Solutions for Long-Term ...

    There are some things in life that you can set and forget. Turn on autopay and never worry again about whether you remembered to pay your electricity bill this month. Change the batteries in your smoke detector, and you can rest easily at night for ...
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    Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0 Seegrid Technology

    November 4, 2021

    5 Questions Answered: Seegrid Technology ...

    Seegrid announced the launch of a new program that provides select customers early access to its newest autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and enterprise software solutions, including Seegrid Palion™ Lift which is the first product offered through the ...
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    Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0 Seegrid Technology

    October 29, 2021

    Invest in Automation This Holiday Shutdown

    Each year, many manufacturing plants around the world traditionally take advantage of the period between Christmas and New Year’s to perform facility maintenance and repairs on equipment. Any downtime can be extremely expensive for a manufacturing ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    October 26, 2021

    Advantages of Robots in Manufacturing, ...

    A lot has changed since the first industrial robot was introduced to the GM assembly line in 1962. Over time, robotics and automation have evolved to the point where many are mobile and can work side by side with humans. There has also been a focus ...
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    Benefits of Automation Material Flow Industry 4.0

    October 21, 2021

    Automation: The Peak Shopping Demand Solution

    With COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home orders plus the boom of e-commerce and banner retailer events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, 2020 saw online shopping totals reach new heights. Adobe Digital Insights calculated a staggering $188 billion was ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Warehousing

    September 30, 2021

    3 Trends for Building a Resilient Supply Chain

    The pandemic opened our eyes to how unpredictable the world can be. In an instant, everything was redefined, including daily routines, social interactions, timelines, expectations, consumer behaviors, priorities, and processes altogether. For many ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation Advanced Analytics

    September 21, 2021

    Automation in the Automotive Industry: ...

    For decades, the automotive industry has experienced alternating phases of growth and decline based on market and economic demands. The onset of the pandemic put a direct focus on the fluctuations and ongoing supply chain challenges, with many ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0

    September 16, 2021

    Myth Busting: How Automation Creates Jobs

    Throughout the manufacturing industry, there are a few common myths surrounding automation and jobs. Many fear that technological innovations, specifically automation solutions, will steal human jobs and create a wave of devastating job loss. Others ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0

    September 14, 2021

    What Is the Future of Supply Chain Management?

    COVID-19 flipped the world upside down and put a tremendous strain on the supply chain. Consumer behaviors and everyday interactions moved from in-person to online. While many office employees were able to conduct business as usual from their living ...
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    Benefits of Automation Material Flow Industry 4.0

    September 9, 2021

    To Automate or Not to Automate: 5 Advantages of ...

    Today’s facility managers of operations large and small are faced with this tough question: to automate or not to automate? It’s true that automated warehouse solutions, such as autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) can be a large investment, but the jump ...
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    Benefits of Automation Warehousing Industry 4.0

    August 31, 2021

    Automated Warehouse Upgrades for Today & Tomorrow

    Consumer goods and retail distribution warehouses are fast-paced, dynamic environments. Humans and machines are both on a mission to find the correct item, package it, and ship it to its final destination. And all this needs to happen as quickly as ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Warehousing Consumer Goods

    August 26, 2021

    The Rise of Non-Conveyables and Supply Chain ...

    Consumers have quickly turned to online shopping for their day-to-day purchases as pandemic lockdowns started. Today, many consumers now prefer shopping online, as they can quickly receive exactly what they want without leaving home. The result: ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Warehousing

    August 19, 2021

    Artificial Intelligence & Robotics: Their Impact ...

    When you think back to films from 20 years ago, artificial intelligence was portrayed as frighteningly advanced and as having a mind of its own. While AI is definitely smart, AI solutions aren’t plotting to dominate the world or your supply chain. ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0

    August 12, 2021

    Reverse Logistics: How to Manage E-Commerce ...

    Consumer behavior took a drastic shift as a result of the stay-at-home environment that was created during the pandemic. E-commerce online sales skyrocketed to new heights seemingly overnight, requiring retailers to quickly adapt their processes to ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Warehousing Advanced Analytics

    August 10, 2021

    We Work and Win Together: Q&A with Seegrid CEO ...

    Ernst & Young LLP announced Jim Rock, chief executive officer of Seegrid, as an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2021 East Central Award winner, representing Ohio, western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Although Rock was selected as a ...
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    Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    August 9, 2021

    The Ultimate Warehouse Safety Checklist

    Productivity and profitability pale in comparison to the importance of safety in a warehouse setting. There aren’t many professions where workers put their health on the line when they punch in, but warehousing can be an incredibly dangerous ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Warehousing

    July 29, 2021

    Automation in the Workplace: 3 Best Practices for ...

    Automation in the workplace is now accessible to material handling facilities of all types and sizes. With shrinking labor pools, constantly evolving customer behaviors, and heightened expectations and demands, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    July 28, 2021

    Leveraging Automation to Keep Up with Increased ...

    Peak season is no longer on a set schedule, spanning a few predictable months out of the year—such as a holiday season—where retailers would gear up for an increase in demand, and then evaluate how to improve for the next round to meet performance ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Material Flow

    June 29, 2021

    What is RaaS?

    Today, Seegrid announced the addition of a new Robots as a Service (RaaS) offering. In this blog, we explain what the RaaS model is, how it works, and why you should consider it as an option when implementing Seegrid Palion AMRs in your ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    June 24, 2021

    Understanding AMR Technologies: Computer Vision ...

    Humans working collaboratively alongside self-driving robots is here, and an advanced future of intelligent automation is not only imaginable but compelling. Today, global leading brands in manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics rely on material ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    May 25, 2021

    5 Questions Answered: Blue Labs & Seegrid’s ...

    Seegrid announced the formation of Blue Labs. We sat down with Brennan Sellner, Seegrid’s Senior Director of Advanced Development, to talk about this new team and what it means for the future of Seegrid and the autonomous mobile robot (AMR) ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Material Flow Seegrid Technology

    May 20, 2021

    Power Your Facility and Drive Results Using AMR ...

    Material handling automation can create immediate benefits for a company, including safer work environments, improved employee retention, boosted productivity levels, decreased travel times, reduced operating costs, and increased agility. However, ...
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    Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation Advanced Analytics

    May 18, 2021

    3 Reasons Why You Should Automate Forklift ...

    Technology and automation are the keys to a safer, more productive, and more cost-efficient warehouse. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and autonomous forklifts have proven to be safe, reliable, and consistent. Increasingly, more companies are ...
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    Benefits of Automation Warehousing Optimize Automation

    May 6, 2021

    3 Warehouse Automation & Safety Tips

    With an aging workforce, growing labor shortages, and extreme demands, warehouse safety is more important than ever to prevent injuries and avoid downtime. With nearly 95 million people missing work each year as a result of workplace injury, ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Warehousing

    February 16, 2021

    5 Questions Answered: Evaluating and Scoping for ...

    Today, Seegrid introduced the Seegrid Palion Lift AMR, further expanding the capabilities of our fleet of mobile robotics solutions. We sat down with Seegrid Director of Application Engineering August Drake to discuss the facility scoping and ...
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    Benefits of Automation Material Flow Optimize Automation Seegrid Technology

    February 9, 2021

    AMRs vs. AGVs: 5 Common Questions Answered

    Today, Seegrid introduced the Seegrid Palion AMR product family, representing our newest line of mobile robots that uniquely provide automated material flow. We sat down with Seegrid Vice President of Product Jeff Christensen to talk about the ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Material Flow Seegrid Technology

    January 28, 2021

    Increase Your ROI: How to Effectively Plan and ...

    The ongoing pandemic and recession continue to present a seemingly endless stream of challenges for automotive manufacturers. Everything from shifting consumer preferences and unpredictable supply shortages to higher-than-normal-worker absence rates ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    December 14, 2020

    2020: The Perfect Storm & Lessons Learned in the ...

    To say 2020 was a year like no other is an understatement. The global pandemic changed the way we live, from how we work to how we shop, and everything in between. In the consumer goods space, the pandemic rewrote the script for forecasting demand. ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Consumer Durable Goods

    December 3, 2020

    5 Questions Answered: Automation in Automotive ...

    Boom-and-bust cycles are not uncommon in the automotive sector. However, the COVID-19 pandemic left even the automotive industry shocked by the extreme levels of fluctuation. The United States automotive industry went from facing facility shutdowns ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    November 24, 2020

    Automotive: How to Use Automation to Keep ...

    The automotive industry in the United States has been in constant flux due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Over the course of the second quarter in 2020, the pandemic caused many automotive companies to virtually shut down. With consumers facing very ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    November 12, 2020

    Operational Agility: How to Adapt with AMRs and ...

    A year that brought on unpredictability and uncertainty like never before put a spotlight on the use of automation in manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics facilities. The COVID-19 pandemic quickly caused many unexpected disruptions that shook ...
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    Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology Advanced Analytics

    September 24, 2020

    AMR Safety is in the Driver's Seat

    The future is speeding toward us as the adoption of automation and robotics continues to rise — businesses in virtually every industry seek to manage fluctuations in demand and workforce. The ability to tackle the problem effectively and safely with ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    June 9, 2020

    Productivity and Safety: Achieve Both Goals ...

    Hard-working industrial vehicles are critical to moving and placing materials in a variety of challenging environments. However, with traditional, manually-driven powered industrial trucks (PIT) being prone to accidents and injuries, facilities are ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    April 20, 2020

    COVID-19 Supply Chain Impacts: Taming the ...

    The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic began a wave of panic buying and stockpiling, as many consumers want to make sure there are no shortages of essential items in their homes. Whether it's toilet paper, hand sanitizer, cleaning products, or ...
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    Future of Automation Benefits of Automation Material Flow