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Seegrid Blog

    Our logistics, manufacturing, and warehousing blog keeps you in the know on all advancements in materials handling. Learn how robotics is revolutionizing the supply chain management industry.

    Featured Post:

    In It for the Long Haul: Applications That Have Made Tugger AMRs the Industry Standard for Reliability and Efficiency

    Tow Tractors, or tuggers as they’re commonly known as, are ubiquitous in warehouses and manufacturing facilities today and are often tasked with moving heavy loads from one point to another for the traditional “milk run” logistics. The tugger’s simplicity and versatility have made them ...
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    Past Blogs:

    December 7, 2021

    5 Benefits of Building a Transparent Supply Chain

    The pandemic, a labor shortage, skyrocketing demand, component part shortages, cargo ship traffic jams: The world’s supply chain is complex. Consumer goods leaders are trying their best to sidestep these hurdles, continue to meet customer demands, ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Material Flow Consumer Durable Goods

    September 16, 2021

    Myth Busting: How Automation Creates Jobs

    Throughout the manufacturing industry, there are a few common myths surrounding automation and jobs. Many fear that technological innovations, specifically automation solutions, will steal human jobs and create a wave of devastating job loss. Others ...
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    Manufacturing Benefits of Automation Industry 4.0

    August 26, 2021

    The Rise of Non-Conveyables and Supply Chain ...

    Consumers have quickly turned to online shopping for their day-to-day purchases as pandemic lockdowns started. Today, many consumers now prefer shopping online, as they can quickly receive exactly what they want without leaving home. The result: ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Warehousing

    August 12, 2021

    Reverse Logistics: How to Manage E-Commerce ...

    Consumer behavior took a drastic shift as a result of the stay-at-home environment that was created during the pandemic. E-commerce online sales skyrocketed to new heights seemingly overnight, requiring retailers to quickly adapt their processes to ...
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    Ecommerce Benefits of Automation Warehousing Advanced Analytics

    July 29, 2021

    Automation in the Workplace: 3 Best Practices for ...

    Automation in the workplace is now accessible to material handling facilities of all types and sizes. With shrinking labor pools, constantly evolving customer behaviors, and heightened expectations and demands, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation

    May 20, 2021

    Power Your Facility and Drive Results Using AMR ...

    Material handling automation can create immediate benefits for a company, including safer work environments, improved employee retention, boosted productivity levels, decreased travel times, reduced operating costs, and increased agility. However, ...
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    Benefits of Automation Optimize Automation Advanced Analytics

    May 18, 2021

    3 Reasons Why You Should Automate Forklift ...

    Technology and automation are the keys to a safer, more productive, and more cost-efficient warehouse. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and autonomous forklifts have proven to be safe, reliable, and consistent. Increasingly, more companies are ...
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    Benefits of Automation Warehousing Optimize Automation

    September 24, 2020

    AMR Safety is in the Driver's Seat

    The future is speeding toward us as the adoption of automation and robotics continues to rise — businesses in virtually every industry seek to manage fluctuations in demand and workforce. The ability to tackle the problem effectively and safely with ...
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    AGV Safety Benefits of Automation Seegrid Technology

    July 21, 2020

    Optimize for Operational Efficiency with AMR Data

    Learn How to Deliver Data that Drives Results Consumers want products faster, better, and at low cost, driving the material handling sector to become more competitive. Because of this, forward-thinking companies are seeking ways to implement ...
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    Industry 4.0 Optimize Automation Advanced Analytics

    May 19, 2020

    3 Pillars to Achieve Data Goals for AMRs and ...

    No matter the industry or business segment, companies around the globe are collecting enormous amounts of information about everything. There seems to be no end to the streams of available data, and with information flooding in at ever-accelerating ...
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    Future of Automation Optimize Automation Advanced Analytics